Friday, February 25, 2011

It's Friday and I...

... would like to wish my sister a happy belated birthday! You are going to die when you see your gift!
... am looking forward to her pool party tomorrow! Which bikini to wear?
... just went shopping! Aldo and YDE are my guilty pleasures.
... am in the best mood ever because of my 'little' retail therapy session.
... have one week left to get in shape. Major photo shoot happening, as you know, and I can't look kak.
... wouldn't have had to worry about crash diets if I just went to gym everyday and weren't so addicted to bread and cheese! Anybody else share my problem?
... have a dinner-date with my bff tonight. Wonder where she's taking me.
... must wear my new dress tonight, where ever it is we're going.
... love Alexis Jordan! She is my favourite artist right now! Why doesn't Musica have her album?
... didn't go home empty handed from Musica. Got Rihanna's new album!
... have a hair appointment tomorrow. Going lighter. I guess blondes do have more fun.
... am addicted to Glaceau Vitamin Water!
... will attempt gardening on Sunday. There's no way that my garden can turn out looking worse!

Happy Friday and have fabulous weekend! One week left till my big photo shoot! Most things are in place. I can't wait to share those behind-the-scenes with you and, especially, the end results!



  1. Hope U had a gr8 week Jemma!
    I think I speak for everyone when I say we are very excited for the shoot :) :)

    have a rad weekend JemMeisterZ!

  2. how many sisters do you have?
    Enjoy the weekend ;).....oh and even though you have to get into shape, I'm sure you looking great right now :)
