Friday, November 12, 2010

It's Friday and I...

... did some mid-week shopping! There is no way to express my love for YDE dresses!
... know I look crap in these pics, but when I shop, I mean business. I'm not there to look pretty.
... didn't realise how expensive furniture is, or how much I needed, until now.
... am going to do a whole Vintage theme for my new room.
... am really looking forward to moving into my own house. Two weeks and counting!
... am planning a detox weekend. Loads of sleep, water, gym and lounging around. We need those ever so often.
... haven't been exercising at all the last month, but does anyone else hate gym as much as I do?
... am going to try really hard to go to gym at least twice this weekend. If it rains, then you know I actually went.
... have an upcoming sailor-themed party! The outfits are on their way from JHB.
... am worried about my car. It's making really funny noises after I drove on a gravel road. Damn, like I need this right now.
... feel like a romantic getaway somewhere quiet with spa facilities.
... watched Cake Boss on the Discovery channel and I think it's one big act. Bad acting at that.
... can't wait to see my best friends tonight. We have so much catching up to do!
... am really excited! The music video for Jax Panik I danced in, is out on Monday. I will definitely put it on my blog as soon as I get it.
... am also kinda scared to see the video!
... didn't know a fringe is such high maintenance. Gone are the wash-and-go days.
... crave chicken strips with a cheese sauce. Or wait, chili sauce!
... hate being told what to do, what not to do or how to live my life. I'm having a blast and that is exactly what life is all about.
... know I'm going to tell amazing stories to my grandchildren one day.

It's Friday everyone!! Let's get this weekend started. At last.

(Images: writer's own. Please do not copy without permission)


  1. I like the balck dresses, really suits you :)....Now I know what women do in change rooms, they take pics of themselves ;)

  2. dresses look good!
    hope you have a lovely weekend!

  3. No 4. is the dress I hope you got!

  4. I like that last dress. Absolutely gorgeous! And it flatters your body as well.

  5. OMG did you find all those dresses at YDE? i need a dress for this upcoming dance thing!
