Thursday, August 5, 2010

Things every girl SHOULD invest in!

Here are some fashionable and girly things, I believe, every girl should have. Yes, you are allowed to call them 'investments'.

You should definitely make sure you have that sexy little black dress in your wardrobe for a special occasion or for that date.

Invest in a proper handbag. Maybe not Louis Vuitton but a fashionable handbag that will last you a lifetime! Remember, we carry our lives in them, so get something that reflects who you are.

Every girl should have a really sexy bikini that's unpractical and not made for swimming or water sports. At all. Yes, the bikini that you wear to Clifton or Malibu only.

BOOTS! It could get pricy, but leather boots really last and the longer you wear it, the more character it gets.

Every girl should definitely invest in a proper nail polish (essie is a great choice) in a daring colour!

Oversized earrings make such a statement and it glams up any outfit! Oversized-anything is good, actually!

I'll admit, perfume is something I'm really stingy to spend money on, but I believe that every girl should have a bottle of expensive perfume. Don't wear it every day. Only wear it on really special occasions. Your smell says a lot about you and something that will always be associated with you.
Why not go the girly route and own a pink gadget? I have a pink flash drive, a pink iPod and a pink camera, and I love it! Even my laptop has got pink prints on it.
I know a girl can never have enough shoes (and I will always encourage this), but invest in, at least, one pair of great heels. Believe me, the feeling of wearing designer heels that had cost you a small fortune, just gives you such an amazing feeling. In those shoes, you will conquer the world. And remember, the uncomfortable ones are usually the ones that make the statement. So we all suffer for beauty.

I don't think I need to elaborate, but yes, sexy lingerie is essential.

Sunglasses, an absolute must-have, but not just any! It really is worth it to spend money on decent shades, because, after all, this is one accessory that actually serves a purpose! I've just started with my collection.

Last, but not least, get some sailor-inspired fashion items. It's going to be big this summer! Think red, navy, white, stripes, anchors or even a Captain's hat!

What other things can you add to this list, girls?



  1. Great list - I think I have every single one of the above :)


  2. Do these count as a pink gadget? >

  3. Love the list! You should enter the Bronx ladies competition.

  4. is there another one Heidi? The one I entered a few weeks ago, winner has been chosen. but those Bronx boots are FAB!

    Being Brazen - those definitely count! Lucky you!
